Hi, I am Prashant kumar

a picture of prashant kumar

What I Have Done

Online Doctor help


The objective of the project is to make use of web technologies to make a e-platform or specifically a e-healthcare application to provide a platform for those missing from essential medical services generally or during emergency situations. The application provides some services for those who want to tentatively diagnose themselves. It is to provide a service to who are left out in the remote areas or for any reason not able to consult anybody for health related issues .



user login/singup as a Customer or Restaurant
1. where Customer can view order history and oredr new items without login user only view items and restaurant cannot ored items.
2. where Restaurant can add new items and view oredr history of Customers and cannot order any items.

Drowsiness Detection


This work shows a surveillance system developed to detect and alert the vehicle driver about the presence of drowsiness. It uses a smartphone like small computer with a mobile application using website to implement the Human Computer Interaction System. For the detection of drowsiness, the most relevant visual indicators that reflect the driver’s condition are the behavior of the eyes, the lateral and frontal assent of the head and the yawn. Due to a large number of traffic accidents when driver has fallen asleep this proposal was developed in order to prevent them by providing a non- invasive system, easy to use and without the necessity of purchasing specialized devices.

Automatic ECG Test Report Detection

(Machine Learning,SQL,HTML,CSS,JavaScript)

Where user can enter ECG test report in .pdf or image(.jpg,jpeg,png) format and its result gives user heartbeat result its normal or not. our model is trained on Machine learning algorithms such as K-nearest neighbors,Support Vector Machine,Logistic Regression,Decision Trees and Random Forests. our model has accuracy 98.65%.

IIT Question Doubt


where student can asks question and those questions are saved in database.student can see previous all questions which was asked by any random student.

Image Editor


user can crop image and add Text on image,change the color of text as well as font and size ,Rotate and flip the image, change the image color ,change the image ratio and many more functionality.

Audio genres classification

(Machine Learning,Deep Learning,HTML,CSS,JavaScript)

The genre of sound records is a difficult errand in the field of music information retrieval (MIR). Sound is dissected dependent on their advanced marks for certain variables, including beat, acoustics, vitality, move capacity, and so on to characterize what sort of music it is. Genre fills in as a significant order trait in the zones of sound sign pressure, music suggestion frameworks and music association. Diverse AI strategies have end up being very effective in extricating patterns and examples from the enormous arrangement of information. In this task, we will order music based on 10 classification genre- blues, classical, rock, jazz, reggae, metal, country, pop, disco and hip-hop. In this paper, we ordered sound sort utilizing capsule networks prepared by as of late proposed dynamic routing by-agreement instrument. We will attempt to propose an engineering for Hinton capsule networks fit for sound characterization assignments and study the effect of different parameters on arrangement precision.

My Work

Who I am

Designer & developer

A highly accomplished, skilled and advanced knowledgeable computer science student with extensive knowledge of the creation of web design,software and programming languages relevant to the web and computer applications. Looking for an opportunity in the field of information technology as developer in a renowned organization.
prashant kumar 2nd image

My work

A selection of my range of work

Online Doctor Help Audio Genres classification Restaurant Academic website perfect web solution OTP system React work Chalchitra Movie Drowsiness Detection Audio Player IIT Question Doubt